Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How Much Snow Cancels A Flight

Andrea told me this beautiful thing, that on his return from the desert horizons shrink and one expects the day to back to lose by looking at 360 degrees. But fortunately for those who live in Porto Potenza, after the limit of the railway's eyes found a certain freedom 'even at 180 °. Without the sea would be a prison!

In fact, I think in terms of space, the thing that most striking is this notion of desert circular, these 360-degree that we used to know. In the vacuum of the dunes are constantly the center of an imaginary circle that delimits nothing. A condition that creates a confusion between the feeling of being drunk at the heart of something, and at the same time nothing more than a point adrift in space.

the horizontal and instead what characterizes the spatial development along the earth-sky. I had this idea just landed in Tunis, sitting on the beach watching the mounds of sand, already delighted air of the south. I found the same principle, stronger and amplified by the unlimited size, a few days Later in the dunes.

This journey to mow in a country culturally very different from those we know, the destination of the desert where we spent the night in the open on 31 December, have gradually assumed a charge symbolic and magical, perhaps unexpected.

mow, imaginary city named after and misunderstanding on behalf Tozeur in a discussion of organizational, constantly running away from our trip. During the day, several times we tried to get closer, but we ended up back northward, leaving this city without visiting it, relegated to the world of dream, a kind of Mount Analogue of our expedition. Without a conscious stance, we have left untouched the territory of this dream city from the beginning does not exist. Then we left them in the desert 'to evoke the future attractiveness of the same voltage that has brought us there. Did not mean to go then go mow mow. What is at first seemed like a failure, a target failure, has run 'instead proved the perfect end of the journey. I know that for me everything in life is tension between two points and magnetic balance. Toser is our electrostatic node in the desert, which binds us to Africa, where they all go. See

broken homes, cars broken, broken objects, walls cracked, the broken things, see the children playing in the street, seeing so much empty, so little man so much space, the desert sand and a lot of time and continues throughout the south and calm and a lot of different life in the cafe ', see the rhythm changed, we believe all this has inspired a series of thoughts swirling around the world, to change the world after years of crisis, I called the year of 2010 this new world. During the trip they told me they are hyper-rational, then hyper-surreal, then over-optimistic, then hyper-liberal. Massimo has been called hyper and even conspiracy, while Manuel has been called a pop (in English poper).

I mean, I like to think that all three of this trip was a kind of initiation rite for the new year, a night under the stars in the middle of nowhere, in a desert that resets and disinfect everything, so that the return, and you could see the city, I was thinking that maybe we really found a new world after that night, when everything would change.

By boat we read and discussed passages of Hoffmann, the god of the acids, which inevitably raises the debate on the use of technology (LSD as a technology of creativity or spirituality?), We quoted "The New World "by Aldous Huxley . Their dreams for the future a meeting of technology and spirituality, and I believe this is happening. here As I explain, I believe that communications technologies are a means to channel, connect and amplify emotional content, sensory, or ineffable. In this sense, I believe that never in this time the technology has been away from materialism. Even in this architecture is increasingly evident.

E 'created a' avant-garde architecture, such as represented by the movement THINKARK , which criticizes the conception of architecture as construction. All contents we can now exchange thanks to technology, represent a new material architecture and urban development away from walls and buildings. So I think we can begin to talk about feelings of architecture, a spatial configuration is no longer merely material. I can also see a glimpse of this paradigm shift, that I dared to compare with the industrial revolution or the 68th of May, an opportunity for a new balance between the elements that structure the world, between physical and virtual, between the senses and emotions.

I think also, finally, that every architect should see the desert, think about this place of emptiness, so ' away from architecture, yet knows that contain masterful mystery and poetry.

Thanks to Massimo and Manuele for bringing me from Paris to Douz.


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