There was one evening, when by chance, we meet to discuss about why not to take a trip together. What ever you want, and never realized before. Where? There was suggested to Africa, I'm not here to explain how and why, but the proposal it seemed at that time very attractive and full of meanings. There followed days and weeks when you smile, swinging with conviction, to the realization of this dream. At first there was to know who wanted to be involved in this project. It was easy. We were just three. Secondly ways, times and terms. A bit 'more complex and elaborate this stage, but saw so fast that we were at 3 am on December 28th, dreamy and freezing, directed by one of the port of Salerno, where we'd boarded
The city is postcard view from the sea and love. The sea saw from sea water but no longer seems folded paper.
A ship is a ship, especially in this kind of treatment, and in this time of year.
A ship becomes hope, dream, light, perspective, innovation, motor, pleasure, speed.
There lives meetings, not people.
We exchange thoughts and existence, reality and dream.
number 5 at the bridge, sheltered under the cover of the outdoor bar, languages, smells, colors, leather come together in one direction through different routes and distant from each other, united by a single invisible point Co., humanity.
Live the day then at night, then again on the day.
glances Crossings.
And when you least expect it, the bridge number 8 becomes the place where the prospect of an unknown world known and shows the natural beauty and simplicity.
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